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1923 is the second installment in the "Yellowstone" Origin Story, starring Harrison Ford and Helen Mirren.
From being out among the mountains of Montana to a custom phantom graphics package shoot in Hollywood, the Paramount+ team put its all into creating this cinematic look for the show. These 'Of The Earth' Digital Spots feature framed Orotones taken of the cast by photographer Sarah Coulter and were used across the social media landscape as well as DOOH.

I was brought onto this project
, after completing the 1923 Graphics Toolkit, to create five unique spots that unveiled the cast & their characters to viewers around world. Utilizing assets from the Phantom Cam Asset Shoot in L.A., these shots were brought into After Effects where they were then cutdown, re-timed, color-corrected, animated & had motion graphics applied to achieve the matching look used throughout the Marketing Campaign.

Credits: Chris Kneller | Design Director

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