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In preparation for Season 2 of Paramount+’s flagship series, Halo, I was tasked with pitching several concepts for a motion shoot with the cast in Budapest. One of the selected ideas was "Loadout," originally envisioned as a motion poster inspired by the video game series, harkening back to the show's roots. During the shoot, the main cast stood on a turntable against a blue screen, striking various action poses with each rotation. Upon reviewing the footage, I recognized its potential as a promo spot highlighting the four main characters of Silver Team. Using After Effects, I crafted a 15-second spot, editing, re-timing, and compositing the cast while also designing a bunker-style environment in Unreal Engine to provide a more dynamic setting for the characters.

Below is how the final spot came out as well as a few examples of how this was ultimately used for DOOH, Linear & Social placements for the launch of the new season in 2024.

PA SLVR S2_Loadout_MC.gif
PA SLVR S2_Loadout_Kai.gif
PA SLVR S2_Loadout_Vannak.gif
PA SLVR S2_Loadout_Riz.gif
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